2015 Annual Report

The Maud Village Trust has been operating now for thirteen years and continues to provide different services and facilities to the community.

The Community Resource Centre continues to be a very well used facility and has seen an increase in healthcare professionals being based here. The Central Buchan Midwife now runs a clinic from the Centre every Wednesday, we have a new Family Nurse based here and the public health team has expanded and we accommodate their team. It also looks likely that with the proposed plans for NHS Grampian and Aberdeenshire council to further strengthen their partnership working through developing and implementing arrangements to support health and social care integration, that the centre will become even busier. This has meant that we have also had to look at the workspace that is currently in place and what will be required in the future in order to accommodate the changing face of health care provision. We have been working very closely with both the NHS & Aberdeenshire Council to get their input and suggestions and this is still very much a work in progress. The ultimate aim is to make the centre an even more valuable health resource outpost in the rural communities that will be accessed and used by a number of health care providers/practitioners in our area.

We are continually developing our partnership working with other users in the building and a success of one of these partnerships is The Conversation Café. The Café was set up to raise awareness and breakdown the barriers of Mental Health. The café is a pop up event that offers free cake and a cuppa and a chance to meet new people , get information on services operating in our area and the chance to try your hand at something new e.g. crafts, exercise classes. The café has proved very popular and has been mimicked in both Turriff and Fraserburgh. It runs fortnightly on a Thursday from 9.30-12.30, all are welcome. The services provided by the centre for the community remain in place and are working well for the community needs.

The gym is running well and remains popular with the community. The activities have increased to provide number of classes which include spin, metafit, pump, circuits, boxing and the latest Insanity. As well as these adult classes we continue to run Gym Kids classes on Wednesdays and Fridays Our exercise referral program has been revised and re-launched and we are now working in partnership with MACBI and looking to expand this further by working with other leisure facilities in the area.

Crèche has now changed its day from Tuesday to Friday, primarily allowing Mothers to attend gym classes; however Mothers wishing to use the facility to have some time to themselves for an hour or two are still welcome and very much encouraged to bring their children along.

The Community Service Centre – The main high light this year is the reduction of our mortgage by £80k leave an outstanding debit of £71K. It is intended that to continue to reduce the mortgage once more funds become available. All units are still fully occupied offering office facilities to the incumbent business.

The café business has continued to grow so much so that we have even put ourselves on trip adviser: where we have received great reviews. We are fortunate to have some of the best cooks in the area which is reflected in the food and attractive cakes and home bakes. Despite other food businesses opening in the area our sales remain constant, due to the good reputation our staff have built up. The orders for outside catering have also increased which is another good reflection on the café’s standing.

The small area adjacent to the Service Centre is now tidied up, the area has being covered with hard core and chuckies. It does improve the appearance, but now needs some further development to make it more attractive.

The Brighter Village Scheme –We were awarded 2nd prize again in the Village In Bloom competition. The gardens and planters all looked good even with the poor weather we were experiencing. Again we would like to thank all those who have helped to maintain gardens, planters and grass areas their efforts are very much appreciated.

The help and support the Trust receives to maintain the services that we provide is very much appreciated by the Directors and Management team alike. It is our intentions to offer a good service to the community and at the same time examine ways to improve. Thank you.

Thank you.

Report prepared by P. Buckman – Director/Company Secretary. 24/09/15