2009 Annual Report
This year has seen the opening of the new Community Resource Centre. It was open for business on the 27th November 2008 and is now working well with the NHS and Aberdeenshire Council Social Work department services.
The Trust at present has ten employees, a manager, three domestic assistances, a temporary part time receptionist and five part time fitness instructors. The Centre is now home to Health Visitors, Community Nurses, Podiatry Department, Care Management and Home Care teams, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Mental Health teams and Doctor's surgery (Dr Nicol - main practice Mintlaw). The centre was opened to the public in October 2008, however the centre was officially opened by the Rt Honourable Alex Salmond MP on the 25th September 2009.
A gymnasium has been equipped with up to date exercise equipment, including a power plate and has a membership of 345, who range from 16 – 78, from Maud and surrounding villages. It is staffed by qualified instructors who provide workout programmes and advice on how to use the equipment to suit each individual for the best effect. The Community Service Centre remains with two main tenants who are Buchan IT and E-Learning Services (Bites) and Buchan Dial-a-Community Bus (BDACB). The other units are being rented on an adhoc basis and it is anticipated that one unit will be taken over later in the year. The setting up of a café is on going, most of the major equipment has been purchased and the work should be finished by the end of November. The gardens continue to flourish and provide a welcome sight when entering the village and when being viewed from the Resource Centre. As mentioned in last years report we have proceeded with a recommendation No.3 from the feasibility study carried out, by the Buchan Development Partnership. The plan which was drawn up by a Landscape Architect from Aberdeenshire Council has been presented for development. Planning permission for change of use has been applied for and it is hope to receive approval in November. Quotes were received for the work required and funding has been applied for .We have been successful in obtaining £50,570 from the Leader Fund which now has to be matched. To that end we have received a number of awards from different Aberdeenshire Council grants to a total of £15,000. An application to the Post Code Lottery has been submitted and other applications for funding are being drawn up. Once all the funding is in place it is anticipated that the work will commence in April 2010. The “200” Club membership dropped slightly this year to 310 but nevertheless still continues be a successful fund raiser. A Car Boot sales was held which raised £207 which when added altogether,£2167 was received through fund raising activities. It has as always been a busy year what with the new centre opening, new experiences being managed and generally working towards completion of the development to transform the Old Mart site. The Trust web site has been updated and can be viewed at www.maudvillagetrust.org The Trust Directors and Management Committee would like to thank those who have helped and supported the development to date.
Thank you.
Report prepared by P. Buckman – Company Secretary. 03/10/09